Friday, December 05, 2008

What's Your Personal Passion?

A few months back a colleague and I went to tour a local Bay Area hotel. My colleague had selected this hotel for a sales conference scheduled for November 2008. The hotel was great and worked really well for her event. It was voted a success by all who attended the event.

At the site visit, I was greeted by the sales manager and event manager of the hotel along with my colleague. While on tour, my colleague said to me, "Did you notice they both have listed on their badges their personal passion?" I hadn't noticed. Sure enough. One was gardening and the other running. Then my colleague asked, "Kathy, what's your personal passion?" If you know me, normally I'm not lost for words.

But this question had me silent.

"Your kids?"

"Sure," I say blinking. Hoping the question would go away. I love my kids and treasure them dearly. But what folks know me to be passionate about, I didn't want to face in this conversation.

"No, it's work for you. Work is your personal passion, isn't it?" And if you know me, it's true. I love my work. I am passionate about what I do and where I work. But is it my 'personal passion'? And if it is, what does it say about me? Especially when my colleague's passion is yoga?

I have a VERY full life, husband, kids, family, dog, home and outside work activities. But most of my co-workers don't know anything about my 'life'. It's how it's always been with me. One of my former bosses said to me when I shared that I was expecting my first child, "How did this happen?" Then he said, "I know how it happened, but you're ALWAYS here working."

In this time of 'work from home' my work style hasn't changed much from when I was physically in the office. I'm always on. My partners know this. My sales teams know this. And my family knows this. And I have a reputation for picking up and solving problems.

BUT what am I REALLY passionate about?

Life, learning and love. And work is a part of all of it. But for me, it's also about making a difference too.

So, what's your personal passion?

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