Friday, October 13, 2006

Are you a luddite?

A few months back I invited a very good friend to join my network on a professional networking site, And she said, “No, I always ignore these because I’m a luddite.” It got me thinking, am I a luddite too?

Wikipedia ( defines a luddite as “anyone opposed to technological progress and technological change.”

What I do for a living is to get companies to embrace new and open technology. But do I embrace it?

Yes, and no. I think it depends on who you ask.

My husband is the first person to ask me to review new technology on the market and make a recommendation if we should purchase the product for use in our home.

My boss recommends me to sit on project teams reviewing new technology trends at my company.

One of my software partners 3 years ago asked me for my IM address. I didn’t have one.

One of my co-workers 3 weeks ago asked me for my IM address. I still don’t have one. My weak response was “you can SMS me on my cell.”

But the question got me thinking, why don’t I have an IM address? Is it because I don’t want another interruption? I get 150 emails a day, not all actionable, not all work related, some personal and some hobby related. A friend 15 years ago refused to get a cell phone; she didn’t want anyone to call her “in the peace and quiet of her car.” But in her defense she has a cell phone today. My parents, until this year, refused to get an answer machine at home for their landline. My friend Pat and my parents are luddites. But where does that leave me?

I did a little research and learned that I have 2 IM addresses one at work and one on a personal email account. Both are what I would call locked systems, meaning you can only IM me if you’re in either system. Not much use for my co-worker or my partner. I could get a skype account. But do I really want my co worker knowing I’m on line at 11 PM? (I’ll save that for another post)

I just sent a subject only email to a friend, one that should really be sent via IM.

Why am I resisting this not so new technology?

A friend just said to me, “We all make priories in the pursuit of an efficient life . . ." Would IM be efficient in my life? Or is adopting technology, any technology, more of a priority for me?

I feel fairly confident that I am not a luddite.

Are you a luddite?